IDTA Dance  School based in Trent Vale and Fulford

Founded in 2008 Bluebells Academy of Dancing offers a number of disciplines from Ballet, tap, freestyle, modern jazz, theatrecraft, contemporary and street dance.

Classes are offered to children from 2 1/2 years and up.

Exam work undertaken and bi annual dance shows.

Classes at St John's Centre, Newcastle Road, Trent Vale and Fulford Village Hall, Fulford Road, Fulford.

Why should you learn to dance?


Improved posture

Gracefulness & Rhythm

Increased flexibility

Our lessons

Ballet, tap, freestyle , theatrecraft, modern jazz, contemporary and street dance.

Adult Classes

Lessons available in ballet, tap and freestyle.

Lessons for kids

Please see our lesson schedule for classes in Ballet, tap, freestyle, modern jazz, theatrecraft, contemporary and street dance.

Latest news

All exams passed with 100% pass rate at our last exam session. A wonderful set of results for my Bluebells - super proud .... Miss Louise

Over 35 of our wonderful tappers will be donning their Tapathon T- shirts and tapping away to "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" to attempt the World Record of the most tappers dancing to the same song at the same time and of course raising money for Children in Need 2023 !


We will get you on your toes

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