All exams passed with 100% pass rate at our last exam session. A wonderful set of results for my Bluebells - super proud .... Miss Louise
All exams passed with 100% pass rate at our last exam session. A wonderful set of results for my Bluebells - super proud .... Miss Louise
Over 35 of our wonderful tappers will be donning their Tapathon T- shirts and tapping away to "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" to attempt the World Record of the most tappers dancing to the same song at the same time and of course raising money for Children in Need 2023 !
Come and join us at Stoke on Trent Repertory Theatre to support Bluebells Academy of Dancing in their 15th Anniversary show 'Top of the World'. Another wonderful eclectic mix of show tunes and movie soundtracks to keep you feet tapping and your heart full .......
Another great set or results for our wonderful Bluebells. Including 94 Distinction for Miss Grace in her Associate Freestyle and Intermediate Tap !! Fantastic acheivement. Here's to our next exam day with the IDTA
100% pass rate for all our students that took part in the July IDTA exam session - CONGRATULATIONS Bluebells !!
We are busy at the moment at Bluebells preparing for our show at The Stoke On Trent Repertory Theatre in Leek Road, Stoke on Trent. Please come along and support our super talented children in our show.
All our Bluebells passed their IDTA examinations with flying colours . Another 100% pass rate - HUGE congratulations to everyone that took part !